Displaced (2010)

Displaced 2010

Displaced 2010

Well-produced and directed short films manage to transmit their message despite the time limitation typically associated with the format. The success of such films, as in full features, depends greatly on the acting skills of the lead characters and their ability to engage the audience. In 2010, Rick Stevenson directed Displaced, a moving short drama about a young boy having trouble adjusting to the foster homes he is being sent to. Nathan Gamble (The Hole, The Mist, Babel) plays the role of Daniel, delivering an emotional and moving performance that makes it clear why he is one of the most sought-after young actors in Hollywood.

Nathan Gamble in Displaced

Pegatinas personalizadas, pegatinas troqueladas, pegatinas para parachoques - Sticker Mule

Life in foster families is frequently addressed in novels and films. The opinions are often contrasting – some portray it as a stressful and horrifying experience while others, like Dave Pelzer in his novel Lost Boy, focus on the importance of these families in the development of the kids who need them. The truth lies somewhere in between – as each case is strictly individual. Many people critique foster case on the basis that, as a short term solution, it does not guarantee the permanent well-being of the kids, as they are frequently moved from one foster home to another and are thus deprived of the possibility of creating long lasting relationships within the homes where they reside.

Nathan Gamble and Darius Williams-Watt

In Rick Stevenson’s short film, Nathan Gamble plays the eleven-year-old Daniel who has been in the foster care system since he was two. After going through a lot of hardship, Daniel comes up with the idea that his brother will come and save him. After setting a fire at his latest foster home, Daniel is given one last chance to find a family. He meets Nemo (Darius Williams-Watt) – another foster child interested in the healing abilities of water. To Daniel,  Nemo is a total weirdo, and he is quick to show him that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. Will they manage to become friends despite their differences? You will find out when you see the film.

The City of Seattle commissioned the film as part of the Water Calling series, which aims to raise public awareness of environmental stewardship and the “importance of water as a healing, symbolic, life-giving and redemptive force in our lives” (1). It was made available to the public by the Seattle Channel. You may see it below  (note: the film starts at the 19 minutes and the 35 seconds mark):

1.City of Seattle, Office of Culture and Art (link)


  1. Such a wonderful short film. Great story-line and amazing acting from Nathan Gamble. I recommend it. A must watch.

  2. I was compelled to comment again about this film as I began to search the names of the boys who played leading roles in this cast. I found that another young man whom I had just featured on my site played a supporting role in this masterpiece! Bryan Sevener! This made me very happy to see that Bryan was also included in the fantastic film. Congratulations again to Rick for such an outstanding short film!

  3. This was fabulous! I have to say I have seen this type of miracle in person and their is nothing like real love to change a life. Alas a boy who was lost is found and in being found he comes to the knowledge that he was never really lost as there were those who cared for him in spite of his deficiencies.
    Excellent story, great acting by the young protagonists and overall a real feel good short film.

    • Hi, I’m Rick Stevenson who wrote/directed DISPLACED. I appreciate your comments. Thank you.

      I’m also director of THEFILMSCHOOL’s Prodigy Camp which one of your featured talent—Bryan Sevener— attended last year. Nathan Gamble will attend this coming June. It’s for the most promising 12-18 year old storytellers in the world. This includes filmmakers, singers, actors, dancers–obviously all art is storytelling. There are only 20 spots and many are awarded on full scholarship. Since you specialize in finding young talent, I thought it might be worth a discussion to see if we wanted to identify a deserving recipient through your site. I can be reached at rick@rickstevenson.com if you’d like to discuss.
      All the best, rick stevenson http://www.rickstevenson.com

    • Hi Mr.Stevenson. First off you did a great job writing displaced. It is an amazing short film. I was reading your comment about the Prodigy School. If your looking for talent there is this one kid who use to post all his stories on forums. Kids loved them. He went by the nickname Skye. I don’t know much about him but i think his name was Anthony. I don’t remember the last name. He took down his stories off of the websites recently, nobody knows why. I could look for him if you want to know more.

    • Interesting – just today we received a message via the contact form of the site about the possibility to help young writers. I would be contacting Mr.Stephenson promptly

  4. I really liked the film. Nathan Gamble was amazing in the lead role.There is a meaning in the story , a real message that makes you think.


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